Please Join us at Caywood Farms
For Our First Annual Farm Festival
MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!! We are hosting our 1st Annual FARM FEST at Caywood Farms on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m.
- Hayrides
- Corn Trail
- Face Painting
Also Featuring:
- Pumpkins for purchase
- Bro-Man’s BBQ (ribs, brisket, hamburgers, hot dogs and more!)
- Date: Saturday, Oct. 28, 2017.
- Time: 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Where: 841 E. Highway 287 Casa Grande AZ (see our contact page for directions).
- Cost: No admission fee and no parking fee! Hayrides and a walk through our corn field will be $10.00 (ages 12 and older) and $5.00 (ages 11 and under).
Join us for some good ol’ farm fun!
Call us at 520-560-1119

Face Painting

Corn Trail

Bro-Man’s BBQ
Are your cotton fields organic? I was driving on Arizona shuttle and saw crop dusters at work. Thanks and hope to attend your tour next spring.
Our cotton fields are not organic. Sprays are required in order to control insects. We also use a GMO cotton seed that helps to control insects thus requiring less spray. Because of GMO cotton, fewer sprays are used allowing more beneficial insects to live. The beneficial insects feast on the bad insects which help us out. In the late summer and early fall, cotton is defoliated so that leaves will drop off and more cotton bolls will open which allow us to pick cleaner cotton and reap higher yields.
Please come visit our farm as we would love to share our farm and farming practices with you. Unfortunately the drought has prevented us from planting cotton this past year but we are hoping rains will return and our dam will replenish itself and we will be able to plant cotton in the Spring of 2019. Please feel free to call me at 520-560-1119 for questions or to book a tour.
Are you having a 2nd annual farm festival in 2018?
Currently the drought is preventing us from planting corn. We are hoping for rain so that we will be able to plant corn and have a 2nd annual farm festival with pumpkins, hayrides, etc. Within the next few weeks, I will post our plans.
Are you guys going to be selling pumpkins at your farm?
Unfortunately we will not be selling pumpkins. Last year we had a fall fest and could offer hayrides and a walk through our corn maze but due to drought we were unable to plant the corn. We hope that rain in our future and we will be able to have a Fall Fest next year including pumpkins.
Thanks for inquiring but we were unable to put a Fall Fest together because of the drought. We won’t be selling pumpkins this year but we hope for rain and pumpkins next year.